Personal Injury Law: Auto Accidents

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Auto Accident Lawyers

Finding the best attorney is no easy task; there are several lawyers claiming to be the best, but you will not truly know until you experience their firm first-hand. The attorneys at our Law Firm have a proven track record of success, and you will know when you walk in the door that they have something that the others don’t. Contact one of our car accident lawyers today for a free professional evaluation of your case. They have shown their superior legal representation time and time again, and their results don’t lie. If you have suffered injuries due to the negligence of another driver, you will need an attorney who consistently gets results. Our lawyers will get you from victim to victor with as little pain as possible.
More about our San Antonio Car Accident Attorneyhere

Locals know that our streets can sometimes be a dangerous place, especially at night. This tourist destination spurs a lot of pedestrian traffic, which could have led to numerous bicycle accidents, bus accidents, pedestrian accidents, and car accidents. The nightlife can get pretty rowdy, made obvious by their abnormally high instances of drunk driving car accidents, and has led locals to cry out for relief from a city that seems to have turned a blind eye towards street safety.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a serious accident, it is in your best interest to contact our attorney immediately.
We live in a very big city with cluttered streets and dangerous drivers, increasing the likelihood of serious injury in car accidents. Locals know that our streets are not the safest place to travel; many people use alternative forms of transportation leaving them defenseless against reckless drivers. This could be a contributor to the high number of pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, motorcycle accidents and intersection accidents that plague the city. Some feel the city has an obligation to make changes to protect their citizens while others are simply unaware of the number of injuries and deaths sustained in these horrific accidents.

Senseless acts contribute to our reputation for dangerous drivers and leave some uneasy no matter where they are. If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident, it is in your best interest to contact an attorney immediately.

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Insurance Agency Strategies Aimed at Reducing Your Claim

This Blog was brought to you by the Carabin Shaw Law Firm, Principal Office in San Antonio

Insurance Agency Strategies Aimed at Reducing Your Claim

When you file an insurance claim after an incident such as a car accident, you expect your insurance company to provide the coverage and support you need. However, it’s important to be aware that insurance agencies have strategies in place to protect their own interests and reduce the amount they have to pay out on claims. Understanding these strategies can help you navigate the claims process more effectively. In this article, we’ll explore some common insurance agency strategies aimed at reducing your claim. More on this webpage

Quick Settlement Offers:

Insurance companies often make quick settlement offers soon after an incident. While this may seem convenient and tempting, it’s important to approach these offers with caution. The initial settlement offer may not fully account for the extent of your damages or future expenses related to the incident. Insurance companies may hope that by offering a quick settlement, you’ll accept a lower amount than you may be entitled to. It’s essential to carefully evaluate the offer and consult with a legal professional before accepting any settlement.

Delaying the Claims Process:
Insurance companies may intentionally delay the claims process as a strategy to frustrate claimants or pressure them into accepting a lower settlement. They may request additional documentation, perform multiple reviews, or prolong negotiations. This delay tactic can be especially burdensome when you’re dealing with medical expenses, property damage, or other immediate financial needs. It’s important to keep track of all communication with the insurance company and maintain documentation to support your claim. Seeking legal advice can help you navigate these delays and ensure your claim progresses in a timely manner.

Denying or Underestimating Liability:

Insurance companies may attempt to deny liability or downplay their policyholder’s responsibility for the incident. They may argue that you were partially or entirely at fault or try to shift blame to a third party. By denying or reducing their policyholder’s liability, insurance companies can limit the amount they have to pay out on your claim. It’s crucial to gather evidence, such as accident reports, witness statements, and photographs, to support your case and counter any attempts to undervalue or deny liability.

Questioning Medical Treatment:
Insurance companies may challenge the necessity or extent of your medical treatment. They may argue that your injuries are not severe or that the treatment you received was excessive. Insurance adjusters may scrutinize medical records, consult with their own medical experts, or request independent medical examinations to dispute your claims. It’s important to maintain detailed records of all medical treatments, diagnoses, and expenses related to your injuries. Consulting with your healthcare provider and obtaining expert opinions can strengthen your case against any attempts to minimize your medical claims.

Surveillance and Social Media Monitoring:
Insurance companies may employ surveillance or monitor your social media activities to gather evidence that contradicts your claim. They may use photographs, videos, or posts to challenge your injuries, limitations, or the impact the incident has had on your life. It’s crucial to be mindful of what you share on social media and to consider the potential impact it may have on your claim. Avoid discussing the incident or your injuries online, and be cautious about sharing any information that could be misinterpreted or used against you. Privacy settings should be reviewed and adjusted to limit access to your personal information.

Lowballing or Undervaluing Claims:
Insurance adjusters may attempt to undervalue your claim by offering a settlement that doesn’t adequately compensate for your losses. They may use various tactics, such as questioning the value of your property damage, downplaying the severity of your injuries, or using lowball settlement formulas. It’s essential to gather evidence to support the true value of your claim, including estimates for repairs, medical records, invoices, and expert opinions when necessary. Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney can help ensure that you receive a fair and accurate assessment of your claim’s value.

To protect your interests and navigate the challenges posed by insurance company strategies, it’s advisable to consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in personal injury claims. An attorney can help you understand your rights, negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, gather the necessary evidence, and advocate for the full compensation you deserve. By having legal representation, you can level the playing field and ensure that your claim is treated fairly throughout the process.

In summary, insurance agencies employ various strategies aimed at reducing the amount they pay out on claims. These strategies include quick settlement offers, delaying the claims process, denying or underestimating liability, questioning medical treatment, surveillance and social media monitoring, and lowballing or undervaluing claims. By being aware of these tactics and seeking professional legal assistance, you can protect your rights and maximize the compensation you receive for your losses.
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Distracted driving a serious safety concern

Distracted driving a serious safety concern

Distracted, or inattentive driving, is on the rise. It seems like there is no end to the electronic toys available to pull us away from that oh-so-boring task of keeping our eyes on the road. It’s become enough of a problem that the U.S. Department of Transportation has a website dedicated just to this problem – Or visit our website herecar accident attonreys san antonio

There is an archived summit webcast on the site that informs us:
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States continue to recognize the problem and create laws specifically designed to ticket cell phone users and other types of distraction offenses.

Distracted driving killed more than 5,000 people last year and is blamed for 1.5 million injuries.

Between 2005 and 2009 there was a 10 to 16% increase in fatalities associated with distracted driving, while overall fatalities fell to the lowest level since 1950.

Those under 20 are much more likely to drive distracted.

The take home message seems to be that cars in general are becoming safer, but some drivers are getting dumber. If dumber seems too strong, remember these people are traveling up to 70+ miles per hour and trusting to luck. It has to be luck, because for those seconds (as many as five or ten) they are not paying attention, no one is really driving.Truck accident attorneys

How far does a car travel at even 60mph in five seconds? The car travels 440 feet; more than a football field. Now add to that the time it takes to stop when they realize there is a problem… no wonder the statistics are up.

It isn’t just an expressway danger

Low speed and tragically stupid accidents are a consequence of distracted driving as well. Even at relatively low speeds. One car maybe stopped at a light or a stop sign, completely legal and seemingly safe… and another car just runs right into them. Another distracted driver on a cell phone; or doing their makeup; or even changing outfits – the ways we come up with to cause an accident are amazing.

Next time you are out in city traffic take a look at all the other drivers chatting away or eating lunch while they drive. Billings is a good place to look because Montana has no distracted driving laws on the books.

If you are a passenger in a distracted driver situation, offer to answer calls or switch places so the driver can chit-chat, eat, or do whatever it is that is putting both of your lives in danger. If you don’t act, you are agreeing to ride in a car where, in essence, no one is really driving at all. Good luck with that.Truck Accident Attorneys

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